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UKCC to make voice heard on behalf of the Asian catering industry

UK Curry Connect (UKCC), a small campaign group that is trying to make its voice heard on behalf of the Asian catering industry to various government and industry bodies to deal with staff and skills shortages that are blighting the industry. UKCC has a number of viable proposals that have already been presented and one …

UKCC to make voice heard on behalf of the Asian catering industry Read More »

Sometimes inspirations comes from the most unlikely source but we need to give it the chance.

A team of experienced culinary talents are aiming to take a team, that includes students and young talent, to compete with the best at the 2020 Culinary Olympics – but they need Industry’s help. In these difficult and challenging times, a culinary team from UKCC want to represent the UK Asian culinary community and really …

Sometimes inspirations comes from the most unlikely source but we need to give it the chance. Read More »